Teach to Educate

A few thoughts from the MCS Instruction Department

Student Voice/Choice…with Standards

Google 20% or Passion Projects…Genius Hour…whatever you call it…the premise is the same.  Allowing students to research and learn about things they choose.  It’s difficult for teachers to “give-up” instructional time; however, I’m convinced a teacher can accomplish both.  Standards and student choice.

As I was looking at some things preparing for the upcoming school year, I ran into this simple article.  Might not be a new concept to all, but it’s a refresher course with a simple twist.

How can you incorporate student voice and choice?  How can you increase student buy-in?  I think this is a great way to do both without compromising standards.

Looking forward to beginning a new year of learning, teaching, and growing.  Try this option to learn more about your students as you begin the school year.

Standards Aligned Genius Hour



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