Teach to Educate

A few thoughts from the MCS Instruction Department

Discoveries From the Discovery Center Trip

As I stated in an earlier entry, Sheri and I took a field trip.  As we toured the Discovery Center, there were many resources right at our fingertips.  I wanted to call this list “The Top Ten”, but I couldn’t rank them.  So, here’s “Ten.”

1.  A STEAM lab is on it’s way!

2.  Curious George is, too!  Which happens to be the #1 traveling exhibit in its category in the nation.  It will be the exhibit that replaces the current exhibit called, “It’s a Nano World.”

3.  “It’s a Nano World” is the current exhibit located upstairs (catch it before it leaves).  Magnification and the power of 10 are a few things you will find in the exhibit.  (Thanks to the WONDERFUL Jones Foundation for providing so many opportunities for children.)

4.  There is a tiny town that has a replica of downtown Murfreesboro,  AND it will be decorated for the holidays!

5.  A field trip to the Discovery Center can be in addition to your TWO yearly field trips.  That’s right.  It doesn’t count as one of the two.  Hey! Hey! Or they will come to you.

6.  There’s a  wheels and wings exhibit.  Nissan sponsored. The wheels section has a car on a lift, complete with mechanic supplies.  How cool is that?

7.  Construction is almost complete…a new outdoor play area…with a water table!

8.  Field trips are conducted by education specialist AND they will supply a pre and post test.  The education specialist will help you find resources if you call and ask.

9.  They also have a shed full of rubber boots for exploring in the water outside. Oh, oh, I almost forgot.  They’ve seen otters in the water with their babies feeding on the fish.

10.  A science bus is being designed and built that will be traveling around to the Murfreesboro City Schools to teach science to 4th graders.  Now that’s cool!!

So if you haven’t thought about taking your class to the Discovery Center here in Murfreesboro, I encourage you to look into what’s going on there.  Pretty neat stuff.


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A Peg is for Hanging Stuff

“All words are pegs to hang ideas on.”  A quote by Henry Beecher popped off the page as I looked for a way to enter into this blog.

Over the break I attended the Tennessee Association for Gifted Conference in Nashville, and yesterday Sheri and I visited the Discovery Center of Murfreesboro.  It’s safe to say, I am in need of pegs for hanging the I’ve ideas collected over the past 10 days.  Perhaps I’ll find the words to share some of the magnificent things I have seen!  I’ll spread it out over a few posts.

I must start with something that’s happening at the Discovery Center in Murfreesboro.  I just registered my own child for an engineering program being offered there.  Engineering for Kids is partnering with the Discovery Center and holding sessions that provide a hands-on learning environment.  The current session focuses on aerospace engineering.  Sadly, it was full.  BUT CHECK OUT THIS ONE!!!  LEGO ROBO BATTLES.  I certainly didn’t want to miss out on this one!  I have officially registered my son.

If you have kids in your class that are into engineering, let the families know about this opportunity.  With STEAM (STEM + Art), what an awesome after-school activity.  Explore this the link for more information.

Engineering for Kids

Not familiar with STEM or STEAM, google it.  That’s your homework.  I am personally choosing to research the concept better, too!

What are you doing in your classroom to incorporate STEAM or STEM?

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