Teach to Educate

A few thoughts from the MCS Instruction Department

Thumbprint Biographies

on March 15, 2020

Everyone has a fingerprint that is unique to them.  This idea can be concrete, but can also be viewed from an abstract perspective.  How many connections can be made to the idea of “fingerprint” in our world today?  From the past?  In the future?  Generate a list of as many ideas as possible.

After activating the idea of “fingerprints,” have students create their own Thumbprint Biography.

Directions can be found here: 


To extend this idea, students could read a biography or research online.  Help students build empathy and awareness by understanding how people from history contributed to the present, and how what we do will contribute to the present and future.  Students can then make a Thumbprint Biography for the person in history or choose quotes from the person, explaining the impact that person can have on others.

Here is an article that explains the benefits of reading biographies.

For some students, they will be reluctant to engage in “learning” activities.  This idea could be done through discussions and watching documentaries.  Increase the depth of thinking and increase the number of discussions in the home.    This idea gives content that can contribute to character development while building relationships at home.

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